The onstat -g smb command displays the options associated with acquiring smart blob usage.
Option | Description |
onstat -g smb c | Lists all the chunks in the sbspace. |
onstat -g smb e | Lists the entries in the large object header table. |
onstat -g smb fdd | Lists the smart-large-object file descriptors. |
onstat -g smb lod | Lists the header and entries in the smart-large-object header table. |
onstat -g smb s | Lists the sbspace attributes (owner, name, page size, -Df flag settings). Fields with a value of 0 or -1 were not initialized during sbspace creation. |
onstat -g smb h | Lists the headers of all smart-large-object table types. |
onstat -g smb h cad | Lists the header for the smart-large-object chunk adjunct table. |
onstat -g smb h fdd | Lists the header for the smart-large-object file descriptor table. |
onstat -g smb h lod | Lists the header for the smart-large-object header table. |
onstat -g smb s
Sbspace Summary: sbnum 3 address 14a54840 Space : flags nchk owner sbname -------- 1 informix smrtdbs01 Defaults : LO_LOG LO : ud b/pg flags flags avg s/kb max lcks 2048 0 -------- -1 -1 Ext/IO : 1st sz/p nxt sz/p min sz/p mx io sz 0 0 0 -1
Chunk Summary: sbnum 3 chunk 3 Chunk: address flags offset size orig fr usr pgs free pg 147d4a60 F------- 0 512000 478035 478035 477610 path: /chunks/online02 start pg npages Ud1 : 53 239017 Md : 239070 33912 Ud2 : 272982 239018
Lofd Table Header Table Name Flags # Primary # Sec. Entry Size Slots Allc Slots Used ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- sb_lofd 0x12 512 80 4 80 0 Lofd Table Entries - Transaction Information txid fd_ntot fd_nused nltexopens fd_flags 145 4 0 0 0x00000000 151 4 0 0 0x00000000 148 4 0 0 0x00000000 Lofd Table Entries - File Descriptor Information txid fdval curpos open_flags [sbs,chk,seq(rid),oid]
Lo Header Table Header Table_Name Flags # Primary # Sec. Entry_Size Capacity # Buckets # Heads # Entries ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- sb_loheader 0x14 512 80 0 80 512 409 4 Lo Header Table Entries opns refs size ha_status h_status [sbs,chk,seq(rid),oid]
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