The onstat -g nsc command displays the status of shared memory network connections. The command takes an optional client ID as a parameter. If no session ID is provided, a one-line summary for each shared memory connection is listed.
clientid clientPID state #serverbufs #clientbufs #rdwrts 0 18949 Connected 4 4 447048
Heading | Description | Format |
clientid | A server assigned value for lookups. | Dec |
clientPID | The client process ID. | Dec |
state | The current state of the connection. Valid options
Connected Con1 Waiting Reject Badvers Closed Not connected Unknown |
Str |
#serverbufs | The number of database server buffers currently allocated. | Dec |
#clientbufs | The number of client buffers currently allocated. | Dec |
#rdwrts | The total number of buffers in use. | Dec |
Network Shared Memory Status for Client: 0 clientid clientPID state #serverbufs #clientbufs #rdwrts 0 18949 Connected 4 4 447048 needbuf segid semid semnum be_semid be_semnum 0 1303 851969 0 851969 10 be_curread be_curwrite fe_curread fe_curwrite -1 1 0 2 be_nextread be_nextwrite fe_nextread fe_nextwrite 2 2 4 3 readyqueue -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Server Buffers Client Buffers i: bufid status offset fe_addr bufid status offset fe_addr 0: 4 inuse 4474 804474 0 avail 3424 803424 1: 5 inuse 4888 804888 1 avail 3838 803838 2: 6 avail 4c9c 804c9c 2 inuse 3c4c 803c4c 3: 7 avail 50b0 8050b0 3 avail 4060 804060 4: -1 free 0 0 -1 free 0 0 5: -1 free 0 0 -1 free 0 0
Heading | Description | Format | See Also |
clientid | A server assigned value for lookups. | Dec | |
clientPID | The client process ID. | Dec | onstat -g ses |
state | The current connection state of the shared memory client | Str | |
#serverbufs | The number of database server buffers currently allocated. | Dec | |
#clientbufs | The number of client buffers currently allocated. | Dec | |
#rdwrts | The total number of buffers in use. | Dec | |
needbuf | A flag which indicates whether the server is waiting for a buffer to be freed (0 - false, 1 - true) | Dec | |
segid | The shared memory segment ID | Dec | onstat -g seg |
semid | The userthread's semaphore ID | Dec | |
semnum | The userthread semaphore number within the semaphore ID. | Dec | |
be_semid | The backend's semaphore ID | Dec | |
be_semnum | The backend semaphore number within the semaphore ID. | Dec | |
be_curread | The ID of the backend buffer currently being read | Dec | |
be_curwrite | The ID of the backend buffer currently being written | Dec | |
fe_curread | The ID of the frontend buffer currently being read | Dec | |
fe_curwrite | The ID of the frontend buffer currently being written | Dec | |
be_nextread | The ID of the next backend buffer to be read | Dec | |
be_nextwrite | The ID of the next backend buffer to be written | Dec | |
fe_nextread | The ID of the next frontend buffer to be read | Dec | |
fe_nextwrite | The ID of the next frontend buffer to be written | Dec | |
readyqueue | A list of the server's queue of shared memory buffer IDs | Dec |
Heading | Description | Format |
i | The internal key to the location of message buffers | Dec |
bufid | The message buffer ID | Dec |
status | The current status of the message buffer | Str |
offset | The offset of the memory buffer into the shared memory segment | Hex |
fe_addr | The frontend address of the message buffer | Hex |
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