The onstat -g dic command displays the tables whose data dictionary information is currently stored within the dictionary cache in memory.
Dictionary Cache: Number of lists: 31, Maximum list size: 10 list# size refcnt dirty? heapptr table name -------------------------------------------------------- 1 3 1 no 14b5d890 wbe@oninit_shm:informix.t0010url 1 no 14cbb820 wbe@oninit_shm:informix.t9051themeval 0 no 14b63c20 wbe@oninit_shm:informix.t0060hits 2 2 0 no 14b97420 wbe@oninit_shm:informix.t0120import 1 no 14b6c820 wbe@oninit_shm:informix.t9110domain 3 3 0 no 14bce020 wbe@oninit_shm:informix.t0150url 0 no 14d3d820 contact@oninit_shm:informix.wbtags 0 no 14c87420 wbe@oninit_shm:informix.wbtags 4 1 0 no 14b7a420 drug@oninit_shm:viagra.product ..... Total number of dictionary entries: 36
Heading | Description | Format |
list# | The data dictionary hash chain ID | Dec |
size | The number of entries in this hash | Dec |
refcnt | The number of SQL statements currently referencing one of the entries in this cache. | Dec |
dirty? | Whether this entry has been modified relative to its entry on disk. | Str |
heapptr | The in-memory address for the heap used to store this entry. | Hex |
table name | The name of the table in the cache. | Str |
The onstat -g dic command can also take a tablename. This can be very useful when tracking down indices, constraint ID etc without using SQL
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 14.10.FC3DE -- On-Line -- Up 00:04:28 -- 299964 Kbytes Dictionary entry for table: latency1 [hashes to list#: 28] ddt_tabfullname: eric@strider_net:informix.latency1 ddt_partnum: 1049059 ddtab-address: 5480c058 ddt_fextsize: 16 ddt_nextsize: 16 ddt_locklevel: 1 ddt_flag: -2147483648 ddt_flag2: 33554432 ddt_ps: 0 ddt_row: 5480c038 ddt_dbalthash: 10 ddt_dbaltcount: 178 ddt_ncols: 2 ddt_rowsize: 15 ddt_nallidxs: 1 ddt_nindexes: 1 ddt_type: T ddt_nrows: 1 ddt_npused: 1 ddt_tabid: 142 ddt_majversion: 145 ddt_minversion: 58 ddt_perms: 5480c9b0 Table Permissions: Userthreadhas Userthread has ddt_cols: 5480c460 ddt_indexes: 5480c248 ddt_uniq: 5480cb60 ddt_ref: 0 ddt_check: 5480ca40 ddt_dummytab: 5480c560 ddt_secpolicyid: 0 ddt_protgranularity: - ddt_rowver_pos: 0 ddt_rowchk_pos: 0 ddt_nopcls: 0 ddt_opcls: 0 ddt_numreftabs: 0 ddt_reftabs: 0 ddt_next: 53f96858 ddt_prev: 547ef058 ddt_refcount: 1 ddt_frags: 0 ddt_fraghdr: 0 ddt_viotid: 0 ddt_diatid: 0 Column Descriptors: ddc_name: id ddc_colno: 1 ddc_default: 0 ddc_flags: 8388608 ddc_type: 262 ddc_xid: 0 ddc_start: 0 ddc_len: 4 ddc_nunique: 1 ddc_next: 5480c4e0 ddc_name: ins_dte ddc_colno: 2 ddc_default: 0 ddc_flags: 0 ddc_type: 10 ddc_xid: 0 ddc_start: 4 ddc_len: 4879 ddc_nunique: 0 ddc_next: 0 Index Descriptors: ddil_name: pk_latency1 ddil_keylen: 4 ddil_flags: 34824 ddil_next: 0 ddil_colno: { 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 } ddil_count: 1 ddil_frags: 5481ab08 lf_nfrags: 1 lf_strategy: 1 (none) lf_afrag: 5481ac28 lf_fragpart: 0 lf_collist: 0 Fragment# 1 lf_frag: 5481ab78 lf_flags: 0 lf_fragid: 1049065 lf_loc: rootdbs lf_ploc: rootdbs lf_expr: 0 lf_linexpr: 0 lf_linsize: 0 lf_levels/clust: 1/0 frag_leaves/nunique: 1/1 ddil_state: E ddil_collation: en_US.819 Referential Constraints: Unique Constraints: ddc_constrid: 46 ddc_owner: informix ddc_name: pk_latency1 ddc_type: P ddc_flags: 0 ddc_uindex: 5480c248 ddc_urefc: 0 ddc_selfrefcnt: 0 ddc_colnml: { id } ddc_state: E ddc_collation: en_US.819 Check Constraints: ddc_constrid: 45 ddc_owner: informix ddc_name: n142_45 ddc_type: C ddc_flags: 64 ddc_checkexp: 5480cf80 ddc_checktxt: ddc_txtsize: 0 ddc_colnml: { } ddc_state: E ddc_collation: en_US.819 ddc_constrid: 46 ddc_owner: informix ddc_name: pk_latency1 ddc_type: C ddc_flags: 32 ddc_checkexp: 5480ccd0 ddc_checktxt: ddc_txtsize: 0 ddc_colnml: { } ddc_state: E ddc_collation: en_US.819 Triggers: ddtr_trigid: 8 ddtr_owner: informix ddtr_name: trg_latency1 ddtr_type: I ddtr_trigcol: { } ddtr_ptree: 54841168 ddtr_state: E ddtr_collation: en_US.819 1 entries found.
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